Saturday, February 19, 2011


Well a couple days ago we went in for our first ultrasound. We were so excited to see our little baby. Up until this point I hadn't really felt pregnant. I just felt sick. VERY sick. I was hoping that after seeing the ultrasound things would be a little more real. Boy was I right. I was sitting on the chair and Abe was standing next to me. I was waiting for the nurse to tell us she could see the baby, and she said, "Congratulations, it's twins!" I thought it was a joke...until I looked at Abe. He was as white as a ghost and he looked like he was going to pass out.

It is now starting to sink in that in just a few months we will have 2 babies to take care of. Here they are:

We couldn't be more excited!!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

My First Post

My sister Stephanie was giving me a hard time about not starting a blog for Abe and I. I originally thought that someone would have to be extremely bored to want to read about how boring our lives are....BUT nevertheless, here it is: Our very own "Abe and Annie" blog.